Session 89: The Gift

This week on D20 Downtime, The party is done with the trials, what horrible thing awaits the duo within the inner sanctum? A skill challenge, oh that's not so bad- that needs 12 successes? uh, this is gonna take two episodes, huh? And you'll never guess who they're negotiating with. Here's a teaser, He has a very high CR.

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Session 88: Daranthil the Hero

This week on D20 Downtime, The Duo dawdles before the third trial, have a "pep talk" with Daranthil, and go through the third trial. There's horror, there's close calls, there's setbacks, and there's humor. All this and it's an amazing experience with re-dubbing!

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Session 87: Blood Pool Puzzle

This week on D20 Downtime, the duo take a trail and turn it into a puzzle, figuring out how to solve it as such and handle it perfectly. It's pretty impressive, actually. Everyone pitches in, to dodge poison blood pools, Minotaur construct traps, and overcome some unexpected creatures. By approaching it as a puzzle however, they do sorta forget at the end that they're not intended to actually uh, solve it.

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

Find out more at

Session 86: Jumping Rules

This week on D20 Downtime, The Party enters the second trial room and find a menacing and perilous room before them. Not foolish enough to jump to their doom, the party instead cautiously jumps into puzzle mode and begins analyzing the room to death. Not an action packed episode, this one is for thinkers, apparently, though the Minotaur who created this room certainly were not trying to test anyone's mental acumen.

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Session 85: Trial of Reflection

This week on D20 Downtime, The boys enter the monastery of Baphomet. After getting very comfortable in the barracks, the party tries to play charades with the ghost and learn a little about them. The duo begin a series of trials to test them, and in the first one, Niltel is the star!

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

Find out more at

Session 84: Curses and Calamities

This week on D20 Downtime, Cypress gets emotional! He receives a beautiful letter from his sisters thanks to DARANTHIL, who does have a name, and it's a good thing he has that moral support because they really need it! As Cypress continues to find no rest or recovery on the horizon, Niltel lends a hand. But the signs are foreboding, a coming calamity hangs over the duo, and things in general are not looking up. At their most vulnerable, will they persevere through the influence of a long-dead cult?

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

Find out more at

Session 83: Yakety Sax

This week on D20 Downtime, Cypress and Niltel get sucked into an encounter that they'd rather not fight. Niltel charms a fish man, Cypress saves a fish elf, and Yen My (currently possessed by a ghost) gets chased in ridiculous fashion.

-- Black Lives Matter! If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

Find out more at

Session 82: Grave Results

We record these episodes in advance, so you will not hear us talk about the current events for another few episodes. Still, we want to go on the record to say that BLACK LIVES MATTER and anyone who disagrees should unsubscribe. If you are unable to protest or unsure of ways to aid the cause, here is a helpful link:

This week on D20 Downtime, the party fumbles in the dungeons for a while, setting off more traps and running into new problems. Then they feel forced to retreat from the dungeons looking for that most elusive of treasures: a good nap. But when the party returns to the stronghold, will the invading fish men still be there? Listen as the predictable answer startles our players and reveals vital new information.

-- Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Session 81: Heeere's Niltel!

This week on D20 Downtime, the entire group forgets wat happened last session, no notes were taken, but through the fog of memory they still proceed to make morality and practicality decisions, squeeze just a little religion in there, desecrate the dead, kick down doors, and generally fall into traps after anticipating them.

-- Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Session 80: Derro

This week on D20 Downtime, the boys explore the bastions of the little men. Inside they meet some freaky looking characters, and some weirdos. Will they be unceremoniously finished off by some stupid monsters? Will the language barrier annoy our heroes to death? Will cypress' inability to take his curse seriously get himself killed? Will DM Sean forget these NPC's names and die of shame?

-- Music from "Dangerous" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (

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Copyright 2018 @NerdCasts